2012년 10월 29일 월요일

Star Fish Research

Starfish are radially symmetric and pentamerism symmetric. Most starfish typically have five rays or arms, which radiate from a central disc. Several species frequently have six or more arms.
The madreporite can be easily identified as the light-coloured circle, located slightly off centre on the central disc. This is a porous plate which is connected via a calcified channel to the animal's water vascular system in the disc. Its function is, at least in part, to provide additional water for the animal's needs, including replenishing water to the water vascular system. Near the madreporite, also off centre, is the anus. On the oral surface there is an ambulacral groove running down each arm. On either side of this there is a double row of unfused ossicles. The tube feet extend through notches in these and are connected internally to the water vascular system.

I did a research about the appearance of the starfish, focusing on the body surfaces. And tried to apply these attributes in 3D modeling.

Dissection of Asterias rubens
1 – Pyloric stomach 2 – Intestine and anus 3 – Rectal sac 4 – Stone canal 5 – Madreporite 6 – Pyloric caecum 7 – Digestive glands 8 – Cardiac stomach 9 – Gonad 10 – Radial canal 11 – Tube feet

- Images from google.com

2012년 9월 24일 월요일

Research of whale shark appearance

The whale shark has a lateral line which is a system of sense organs found in aquatic vertebrates. This lateral line seems to repeat around the back of the whale shark from its gill to its tail. And as the whale shark moves the lateral line seems to twist.

2012년 9월 10일 월요일

Seahorse Research

I got interested in the unique form of the seahorse. Just looking at the seahorse you can see the inner bone structure inside.

I couldn't get a real seahorse so I searched for some hi-quality photos of the seahorse.
I tried to analyze the form of the seahorse by looking at dried seahorse, skeleton, and x-rays.

- Appearance : Thin skin stretched over a series of bony plates, which are arranged in rings throughout their body.
- The four sided rectangular piece repeats itself from tail to neck, making a generative structure.
- From the bottom body to neck, this piece duplicates.
- The edge of each bone plates is a spike form.
- From the skeleton and x-ray picture, there seems to be a thick central bone going across the entire body.

* Image from google.com

* Image from google.com

* Image from google.com